Claudine: Early morning hiking
Claudine: Beach Access to Owen Point
Claudine: Some of the bridges looked very new.
Claudine: Pieces of the former bridge
Claudine: Pieces of the former bridge
Claudine: Root-and-trunk steps
Claudine: Log bridges. This one was not as scary as others.
Claudine: Oh my goodness, only 5k to go!
Claudine: We made it!
Claudine: Hoisting the Buoy: come pick us up, please!
Claudine: Happy to be done!
Claudine: Our goal - Gordon River and glorious view of Port Renfrew
Claudine: Dirt smudges and all.
Claudine: A nice couple from Germany.
Claudine: Drinking the last drop of WCT water
Claudine: The last obstacle that we had to cross to get on the return ferry.
Claudine: WIll and Nathan, and the kids from Germany
Claudine: We finished a day early! Dirty and tired and happy and sore and looking forward to showers.
Claudine: Will and his family
Claudine: Last shot with Will before he heads home and we go in search of food
Claudine: "Dont' Panic, We've got Bannock!"
Claudine: Chicken Fingers and Fries
Claudine: Caesar Salad
Claudine: Pork Bits
Claudine: Bannock! And Jam.
Claudine: Pacheedaht Campgrounds at Port Renfrew/ Gordon River