bondidwhat: as long as it works. pre-sandy.
bondidwhat: the day after. my block.
bondidwhat: jackson heights shut down. pre-sandy.
bondidwhat: downed tree in woodside. after sandy.
bondidwhat: Woodside LIRR Platform. Day after Sandy.
bondidwhat: 61st/woodside. closed. the day after.
bondidwhat: damage in sunnyside. the day after.
bondidwhat: assessing the damage. sunnyside.
bondidwhat: walking through sunnyside gardens.
bondidwhat: sidewalk pulled out of the ground. sunnyside gardens.
bondidwhat: cuts like a knife. sunnyside gardens.
bondidwhat: sunnyside gardens.
bondidwhat: jackson heights damage.
bondidwhat: stillness after the storm. soho.
bondidwhat: beauty amidst destruction. jackson heights.
bondidwhat: busocalypse. jackson heights.
bondidwhat: q66 bus pole. down for the count. northern blvd, jackson heights.
bondidwhat: this is what an empty bus looks like. q47.
bondidwhat: national guard by 69th regiment armory. lexington avenue.
bondidwhat: union square.
bondidwhat: playing chess in union square.
bondidwhat: charging station. fifth avenue.
bondidwhat: halloween still happens. downtown.
bondidwhat: inmate hails a cab? halloween in the east village.
bondidwhat: checkpoint by queens plaza.
bondidwhat: walking toward the bridge.
bondidwhat: morning on the train. first day back in service.
bondidwhat: a welcome sight. n train.
bondidwhat: bryant park closed.
bondidwhat: bus line. fifth avenue. thursday evening commute.