bondidwhat: going up
bondidwhat: in the midst
bondidwhat: the symbol of this changing landscape
bondidwhat: east village church
bondidwhat: east village
bondidwhat: another sandwich
bondidwhat: more changing landscape
bondidwhat: a place to eat
bondidwhat: neon meet hummer
bondidwhat: good taste
bondidwhat: dried fruits
bondidwhat: russ and daughters
bondidwhat: katz's
bondidwhat: katz's 2
bondidwhat: building generica
bondidwhat: the changing landscape is in full effect
bondidwhat: sale
bondidwhat: out of biz
bondidwhat: door
bondidwhat: quilts
bondidwhat: foley and corinna window
bondidwhat: coming up
bondidwhat: sandwiched
bondidwhat: school les
bondidwhat: 139 norfolk
bondidwhat: another change
bondidwhat: festival
bondidwhat: essex market 2
bondidwhat: essex market
bondidwhat: otb