bonbon_bonkers: FlyStrong
bonbon_bonkers: FlyStrong, Lake and Woody
bonbon_bonkers: Woody and Lake
bonbon_bonkers: Flyin in the golden light
bonbon_bonkers: Woody in the free refill section
bonbon_bonkers: Woody over the water
bonbon_bonkers: wingovers at Diamond Head
bonbon_bonkers: Utilizing the free refill zone
bonbon_bonkers: Woody - hangin' out near the photographer - and he calls me a poser! :-P
bonbon_bonkers: Earliest flight ever for me
bonbon_bonkers: FlyStrong over the water
bonbon_bonkers: FlyStrong at Diamond Head
bonbon_bonkers: FlyStrong checkin' on his light...sayin' hi to the Admiral
bonbon_bonkers: FlyStrong flying Diamond Head
bonbon_bonkers: Gaza staying low
bonbon_bonkers: Lots of pilots in air, FlyStrong landing
bonbon_bonkers: Motorhead
bonbon_bonkers: FlyStrong in the morning light
bonbon_bonkers: FlyStrong over the water
bonbon_bonkers: Motorhead
bonbon_bonkers: Motorhead