bonbayel: India tour map
bonbayel: food (1)
bonbayel: food (2)
bonbayel: food (3)
bonbayel: food (4)
bonbayel: food (5)
bonbayel: Our route
bonbayel: small p[lane from big
bonbayel: John & Bonnie contemplating marble tables
bonbayel: John & Bonnie Dharamsala
bonbayel: John on train to Amritsar
bonbayel: Sid with Sinead on phone about flights home
bonbayel: Hannah in Punjab dress
bonbayel: Hannah in sari
bonbayel: Kali floating in Ganges
bonbayel: Guide Rajid
bonbayel: Hannah
bonbayel: Hannah Dharamsala
bonbayel: Porters carrying our luggage at train station