Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Life on the way home - workers
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Life on the way home
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Life on the way home - things appear that were once hidden by something newer
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Life on the way home - not moving
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Life on the way home -1.5km jam
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Work onSouthern section of Hayaek underpass 2017
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Work on Northern section of Hayaek underpass 2 2017
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Angry Bus
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Feeling Squeezed
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Human Traffic Light
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Life at the underpass
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Just another day at Hayaek underpass....
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Work continues...(more than 2 years already)
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Work continues
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
I prefer looking at coconut trees....
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Celebrations for Buddhist Lent today
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Celebrations for Buddhist Lent today
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
We finally say goodye to the roundabout
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Ha Yaek
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Life at the underpass
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Rambutan Jam
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
The U-turn
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Really don't feel comfortable stuck in a traffic jam next to this!
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Just after I took this photo the bus reversed into a taxi. Whoops!
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Which way?
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Dawn in Phuket, Thailand:
Just another day at the underpass