Meino NL: De Zwarte Schuur - Cinebergen
Meino NL: Thoas swallotail (Papilio thoas)
jchau1731, thanks for 12.6 million views: Whispering with the language of flowers.
perfectday_s: Autant en emporte le vent...
Bonsailara1: Entre líneas
jchau1731, thanks for 12.6 million views: "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
Michel Coutty: DSC_0218 F
lameato feliz: Patio de Comares con el reflejo De la Torre de Comares.Ver en Grande... Tower Bridge - London, UK
Rosa Gamboias: Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris)
Rosa Gamboias: Long-tailed Fiscal (Lanius cabanisi)
Meino NL: Beach Peñíscola
lameato feliz: Palacios Nazaríes. Patio y acceso al Cuarto Dorado
BKHagar *Kim*: Cotton Promises
BKHagar *Kim*: Cotton Lesson
dolphin_dolphin: Fallen leaves
Cassiopée2010: P1130638
Cassiopée2010: P1130639
Cassiopée2010: P1130640
Angelina Moser: Bluebells
nuno140: Porto Com Vista
Rosa Gamboias: Humble houses... hard working people...
Meino NL: Edelpapegaai/Eclectus parrot (F)
Meino NL: Grijze roodstaartpapegaai/African Grey Parrot
Meino NL: Muskuseend/Muscovy duck and chick