boltron-: CHI2008 Upside Down
boltron-: Planet CHI2008 in Florence Italy
boltron-: IMG_2588
boltron-: receipt
boltron-: IMG_2348
boltron-: Planet Inside CHI2008
boltron-: Inside CHI2008 Panorama before the Planet
boltron-: Outside CHI 2008
boltron-: Sheena Lewis Case Study at CHI 2008
boltron-: IMG_2771-2
boltron-: IMG_2772-2
boltron-: IMG_2773-2
boltron-: CHI2008 Google Party at the Baller Grand Hotel in Florence.
boltron-: planet somewhere in florence near the duomo
boltron-: some statue
boltron-: anne
boltron-: des francaises
boltron-: inside the ice cream box
boltron-: some street in florence
boltron-: prague st charles bridge
boltron-: Coolest little red bus evarr in florence italy in the rain
boltron-: gay
boltron-: blurry @ss motherf*cking umbrella in florence
boltron-: St Ludmilla Equirectangular Panorama in Prague Many Long Words in a Row Photo
boltron-: Planet St Ludmilla Church in Prague with lighting that made me say hey whutup God
boltron-: shocking. sex sells politics in italy. they had a tv with naked women behind a podium for a speech in florence italy
boltron-: hands and cake
boltron-: bday dinner
boltron-: Katchka who works with Jesse