Bolt of Blue: Leia
Bolt of Blue: start of exhibit
Bolt of Blue: rebel pilot
Bolt of Blue: Obi?
Bolt of Blue: these are not the droids...
Bolt of Blue: cool boots
Bolt of Blue: Obi?
Bolt of Blue: Luke's saber
Bolt of Blue: some senator dude?
Bolt of Blue: Mon Mothma
Bolt of Blue: where's her gun?
Bolt of Blue: close up
Bolt of Blue: too real
Bolt of Blue: cheese
Bolt of Blue: start of rebellion
Bolt of Blue: fave
Bolt of Blue: cool robe
Bolt of Blue: Queen
Bolt of Blue: naboo!
Bolt of Blue: handmaiden robe
Bolt of Blue: Padme's wedding dress
Bolt of Blue: more wedding dress
Bolt of Blue: Zam symbol
Bolt of Blue: Darth Vader's Saber
Bolt of Blue: Vader
Bolt of Blue: yoda hand
Bolt of Blue: back end
Bolt of Blue: wings open
Bolt of Blue: x-wing glory