Bold Huang: Waterfall of Hsinchu 鴛鴦谷瀑布
Bold Huang: Friday 新竹香山溼地
Bold Huang: 鵝公髻山 Taiwan mountains
Bold Huang: Before Sunrise(新竹頭前溪 Toucian River of Hsinchu,Taiwan)
Bold Huang: Hsinchu Station, Taiwan High Speed Rail
Bold Huang: ebb tide(新豐海邊)
Bold Huang: Hsinchu Beach
Bold Huang: 高鐵新竹站 Hsinchu Station
Bold Huang: Cherry blossoms
Bold Huang: Hsinchu beach 新竹新豐的海邊
Bold Huang: 迷霧森林.....Misty forest
Bold Huang: 鴛鴦谷瀑布 waterfall of Hsinchu
Bold Huang: 浮生半日閒
Bold Huang: Frost 結冰的鎮西堡
Bold Huang: Trail of Taiwan
Bold Huang: 春光乍洩 sun flakes in spring garden
Bold Huang: "Mango yellow" sky
Bold Huang: Windmill
Bold Huang: Sentimental....台灣紅榨槭
Bold Huang: Cherry blossoms 觀霧遊客中心旁的櫻花
Bold Huang: once again the view from my tropical garden!
Bold Huang: spring Camellia 春 採茶花去
Bold Huang: the last Ginkgo leaf on the branch銀杏
Bold Huang: Station 台鐵內灣支線
Bold Huang: Syakaro trail 霞喀羅古道
Bold Huang: C bend in Hsinchu 高掛天空的C形彎
Bold Huang: Not Santorini 南寮(beach of Hsinchu)
Bold Huang: Tropical paradise
Bold Huang: Rhododendron in wild habitat 霞喀羅古道的野生杜鵑
Bold Huang: 新竹尖石鴛鴦瀑布 Waterfall of Hsinchu