Bold Huang: mountains on mountains....山外有山, 山中亦有山
Bold Huang: 迷霧森林.....Misty forest
Bold Huang: Sentimental....台灣紅榨槭
Bold Huang: 浮生半日閒
Bold Huang: 新竹觀霧
Bold Huang: 新竹觀霧 Thank someone I met today!
Bold Huang: sowing the seeds of hope for earth
Bold Huang: autumn grass
Bold Huang: Grass come into flower in autumn
Bold Huang: Wild flower of Hsinchu
Bold Huang: 新竹尖石的紅葉
Bold Huang: 新竹宇老
Bold Huang: over the cloud 新竹宇老.雲海
Bold Huang: 遠山 ^^^ Layers of mountains in Hsinchu
Bold Huang: Monday before sunrise(頭前溪,晨之雲彩 )
Bold Huang: cute bird walked me for awhile 九份與野鳥散步
Bold Huang: where shall we fly?半屏山上
Bold Huang: Grass Flower Festival of Taiwan 東北角芒花季
Bold Huang: Butterfly in Yangmingshan National Park
Bold Huang: Butterfly in Yangmingshan National Park
Bold Huang: Butterfly in Yangmingshan National Park
Bold Huang: Blue mountains in Hsinchu, Taiwan!
Bold Huang: Waterfall of Hsinchu 鴛鴦谷瀑布
Bold Huang: young man in the mountain
Bold Huang: Spring Rhapsody
Bold Huang: Into the wild
Bold Huang: 蛇根草
Bold Huang: 雙扇蕨 Ferns
Bold Huang: Yangmingshan national park
Bold Huang: 台灣胡麻花 Wild flower of Yangmingshan national park