bob the bolder: Wall safety
bob the bolder: Threlkeld, Cumbria
bob the bolder: Heavy metal
bob the bolder: Some corrosion
bob the bolder: No boots on deck
bob the bolder: Yellow, orange, blue
bob the bolder: Champion
bob the bolder: Passenger
bob the bolder: Excursion
bob the bolder: Cat's or cats'
bob the bolder: Long-stay parking
bob the bolder: Spring trees
bob the bolder: Long Meg and daughters
bob the bolder: Lowther castle, Cumbria
bob the bolder: Towards Slater Bridge
bob the bolder: Due respect
bob the bolder: Grasmere
bob the bolder: Wordsworth's chimney
bob the bolder: From Allan Bank
bob the bolder: Viewpoint
bob the bolder: Douglas Dragonfly
bob the bolder: Hard effort
bob the bolder: Biding his time
bob the bolder: Walk on water
bob the bolder: Buttermere tree