Bolckow: Stones from a doorway of the former Bishop's Palace - Glasgow Cathedral
Bolckow: King James VI and I (1566–1625) son of Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley born 19th June 1566.
Bolckow: King James I by Adam de Colone c 1593 - 1628 - in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery - Prudhoe Castle, Prudhoe, Northumberland
Bolckow: King James Bible display - St. Peter's, Bournemouth
Bolckow: King James Bible display - St. Peter's, Bournemouth
Bolckow: King James Bible display - St. Peter's, Bournemouth
Bolckow: King James Bible display - St. Peter's, Bournemouth
Bolckow: King James Bible display - St. Peter's, Bournemouth
Bolckow: Stained glass panel showing the Duke of Buckingham, the last and greatest favourite of King James VI and I, 1619 - National Museum of Scotland
Bolckow: Stained glass panel showing King James VI and I - National Museum of Scotland
Bolckow: The Great Hall, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Middle Ages and King Alexander II and the Arms of Dundee - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Arms of Perth (Lamb of God) and Dunfirmline - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Middle Ages, Wallace and Arms of Dundee detail - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Romans Saxons etc - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Tudors and Stuarts etc and Arms of Stirling - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Middle Ages and Arms of Dundee detail - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Arms of Inverness and Kirkwall - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Arms of St Andrew's - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Arms of Glasgow and Linlithgow - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Famous Scots, Caledonia and Arms of Edinburgh and Glasgow - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Robert Burns by John Flaxman and Tudors etc and Arms of Stirling - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Boswell etc - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Romans etc - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Admiral Duncan, James Watt, Robert Adam, James Boswell, The Old and Young Pretender, Flora McDonald and Arms of Jedburgh, James Thomson - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Famous Scots - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Admiral Duncan, James Watt, The Old and Young Pretender and Flora McDonald and Arms of Jedburgh - Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
Bolckow: Cast of the Tomb of Mary Queen of Scots, Westminster Abbey, London. Designed by Cornelius Cure and erected between 1606 and 1612. National Museum of Scotland
Bolckow: Cast of the Tomb of Mary Queen of Scots, Westminster Abbey, London. Designed by Cornelius Cure and erected between 1606 and 1612. National Museum of Scotland
Bolckow: Cast of the Tomb of Mary Queen of Scots, Westminster Abbey, London. Designed by Cornelius Cure and erected between 1606 and 1612. National Museum of Scotland