Bolckow: Martyrdom of St Lawrence, stained glass window - Burrell Collection, Glasgow, Scotland
Bolckow: Clerestory stained glass window by C. E. Kempe left to right St Lawrence, St Stephen and St Catherine
Bolckow: St. Lawrence second left, St. Bernard, of Clairvaulx, Abbot, and St. Bartholomew, Chester Cathedral
Bolckow: West doors detail, Beverley Minster
Bolckow: Statue of St Lawrence - one patron of the monastery on the facade of the original monastery building, Ampleforth by Bernard Smith, 1894 -1898
Bolckow: St Laurentius by Charles Eamer Kempe, 1889 given to the Victoria and Albert Museum by Mr Walter E. Tower in 1933
Bolckow: York Minster, York