Bobbie: Near Mocassin Point
Bobbie: Hetch Hetchy
Bobbie: El Capitan
Bobbie: I'm in a cave
Bobbie: Good portrait of Anna
Bobbie: Us at Hetch Hetchy
Bobbie: Hetch Hetchy
Bobbie: Water level
Bobbie: Hetchy Hetchy dam
Bobbie: Sun baked
Bobbie: Grizzly Giant top
Bobbie: Grizzly Giant
Bobbie: Deer through the trees
Bobbie: Grizzly Giant
Bobbie: Looking towards the half dome
Bobbie: Yosemite!
Bobbie: Deer through the trees
Bobbie: Tall tree
Bobbie: Grizzly Giant
Bobbie: Crack
Bobbie: Fallen giant
Bobbie: Awfully tall
Bobbie: Forest floor
Bobbie: Spires
Bobbie: Up to the sky
Bobbie: BIG TREE
Bobbie: OMG it finally ended
Bobbie: Man, this thing is tall
Bobbie: It keeps on going
Bobbie: This is the size of a very big thing