Bobbie: Home development + employability
Bobbie: Um, yeah, so what IS an ARG?
Bobbie: How to play Doerak (=loser)
Bobbie: Hard science + fun games
Bobbie: Video games social network
Bobbie: What's next?
Bobbie: Brainstorming game ideas for web
Bobbie: Human 'snake'
Bobbie: Hacking game controllers
Bobbie: Do guilds make MMOre fun?
Bobbie: Play SLorpedo
Bobbie: What qualities does the console game dev industry need in designers?
Bobbie: tools puppets masks
Bobbie: Games for girls - let's not bother
Bobbie: Tabletop RPGs since Dungeons & Dragons
Bobbie: Walls, wasps + wine
Bobbie: What's actually wrong with mobile games
Bobbie: Vampires, zombies and ninjas
Bobbie: Don't kick the baby
Bobbie: Poison'd: a roleplaying game about pirates
Bobbie: RIP VMK
Bobbie: Massively Multiplayer Civilisation 3 - 'Democracy game'
Bobbie: How to kill someone in a single strike
Bobbie: Telling stories with Ste Curran
Bobbie: To play without playing
Bobbie: Games writing: tales from the narrative battlefield!
Bobbie: Name tag