boiworx: My "Kikay" Sister
boiworx: Strike (85/365)
boiworx: Care to boost me up? (95/365)
boiworx: Ninoy Tribute
boiworx: Lighten up with Sarah!
boiworx: Keep your dreams alive
boiworx: Things you only hoped for
boiworx: The Look (79/365)
boiworx: Jeez
boiworx: HBW by Cher
boiworx: Dreamers of the Day
boiworx: iDSC_3471
boiworx: Kerwin
boiworx: Poli, what's on your mind? Let me know.
boiworx: iDSC_3553
boiworx: Those Eyes
boiworx: Lonesome
boiworx: Hypnosis
boiworx: Not happy b'coz of HBW?
boiworx: 9:21:57
boiworx: RAWR
boiworx: Completely (78/365)
boiworx: Flavia
boiworx: Should I go now?
boiworx: DSC_3452
boiworx: It felt so right
boiworx: Meet Cher (101/365)
boiworx: Pretty Cool
boiworx: Would you ignore her?
boiworx: Somewhat