Jason Abbott: Run for your lives
Jason Abbott: Looking for colors
Jason Abbott: Getting shot
Jason Abbott: Found a few colors
Jason Abbott: Bridge to nowhere
Jason Abbott: Old meets old
Jason Abbott: Candy canes
Jason Abbott: Popcorn
Jason Abbott: Monkey
Jason Abbott: Age of optimism
Jason Abbott: Won't wash out so easily
Jason Abbott: Departing sun
Jason Abbott: Rock in the shoe
Jason Abbott: Helicopters
Jason Abbott: Shooting down helicopters
Jason Abbott: Amber waves of weeds
Jason Abbott: Molting
Jason Abbott: Gumball boulder climber
Jason Abbott: Interpretive lichens
Jason Abbott: Rest stop
Jason Abbott: Last bridge
Jason Abbott: You can't see me
Jason Abbott: Tiny beauty
Jason Abbott: Hope deferred
Jason Abbott: Hoary hopes
Jason Abbott: Basking