stained_glass_swan: The mountain
stained_glass_swan: Dots and circles
stained_glass_swan: Desert canyons
stained_glass_swan: Extravagant
stained_glass_swan: Lived a lovely bird who sung everymorning a different song
stained_glass_swan: Far away in the desert mountains
stained_glass_swan: Once upon a time
stained_glass_swan: Me and the inmensity
stained_glass_swan: Letter O / Letra O
stained_glass_swan: Amor tan vasto como el desierto
stained_glass_swan: Representing what?
stained_glass_swan: Petroglifos
stained_glass_swan: Gente / People
stained_glass_swan: Ex-Hacienda del Muerto
stained_glass_swan: Devotional
stained_glass_swan: Devotional