Bohman: Handicapable Victor does what he can
Bohman: Messy corner on moving in day
Bohman: Moving in
Bohman: We've got ample room upwards
Bohman: Victor happy on moving in day
Bohman: Mashed MOCs after the move
Bohman: Will become workbench with tool rack
Bohman: After moving in - starting to organize
Bohman: Preparing for shelving
Bohman: Preparing for shelving
Bohman: Sawing planks for shelves
Bohman: Sawing planks for shelves
Bohman: Testing a film rig
Bohman: Overdue to be sorted
Bohman: Cleaning some boxes
Bohman: Shelving complete!
Bohman: Storage
Bohman: Storage
Bohman: Axes and LEGO, that's what the studio was about
Bohman: Victor's workspace
Bohman: 1 building a trashcan table
Bohman: 2 building a trashcan table
Bohman: 3 building a trashcan table
Bohman: 4 building a trashcan table
Bohman: 5a building a trashcan table
Bohman: 5b building a trashcan table
Bohman: 5c building a trashcan table
Bohman: 6 building a trashcan table
Bohman: 7a building a trashcan table
Bohman: 7b building a trashcan table