Llewellyn Custom Bicycles: Full assembly 32mm Modified Reverser
jp weigle: IMAGE 1826
easkeybikes: blocks1
petrichorframes: Takhion Crown - Proto 001
British Human Power Club: Laminating over the shoe larth 002
Jamie Swan: The late Brian Baylis
jp weigle: some crowns and such...
Lyrebirdcycles: Winder_2
Lyrebirdcycles: Baton Explained
Flickr Avatar: Crumpton UL detail
Velo Classique: Suzuki GS1000S
Velo Classique: Yoshimura Suzuki
jp weigle: Rapha - less,, I'm trying to cope,, and it's not easy.
mmoe5150: CSMIO IP-M Relay Diagram
Devil.Bunny: IMG_3902.jpg
jp weigle: 'round town girl,,, as Grace looks on
jp weigle: March 5th - dumped on again,,,
Llewellyn Custom Bicycles: Voyageur by Llewellyn
Jamie Swan: Thanksgiving at the Swan's
nicrump: photo
nicrump: photo
nicrump: IMG_1684