Bo Hakala: Long Hike
Bo Hakala: Waikiki and Diamond Head
Bo Hakala: The Last Sunset of 2009
Bo Hakala: The Kiss
Bo Hakala: Volcano #1
Bo Hakala: Tokyo
Bo Hakala: Tuna
Bo Hakala: Mt. Fuji
Bo Hakala: Shinkansen
Bo Hakala: Kyoto
Bo Hakala: Ben Hicks!!!
Bo Hakala: Cat in Kyoto
Bo Hakala: Hakala and Hicks in a large ferris wheel in Osaka. That night we nearly saw the sun come up after finding a great dance club where we "brought it" all night.
Bo Hakala: Tokyo, a small alley of food vendors, the number of wonderful smells down this corridor was insane.
Bo Hakala: Tokyo
Bo Hakala: Best burger in Tokyo
Bo Hakala: Yoshi and Amy!
Bo Hakala: Soraya, our "fixer" and Phil J, ready to eat some BEEF.
Bo Hakala: Tokyo from our hotel room
Bo Hakala: Volcano #2 we could get much closer to this... but a moment after this shot, they evacuated the viewing area as the winds changed. Toxic, lethal gas was coming our way.
Bo Hakala: Helo - I took a ride in this to shoot down into the green-blue lake of sulfur inside the volcano
Bo Hakala: Phil and Andy
Bo Hakala: Tokyo Metro
Bo Hakala: Guayaquil - Ecuador
Bo Hakala: Ecuador
Bo Hakala: Valdivia, Ecuador
Bo Hakala: Lunch
Bo Hakala: Montanita, the coolest little backpacker/surfer enclave.
Bo Hakala: Arturo, our Ecuadorian Fixer
Bo Hakala: Beach