Roland Bogush: Threadfin Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon auriga)
Roland Bogush: Bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus)
Roland Bogush: Sea plane. See, plane. Sea plain. [Explored]
Roland Bogush: Whale Shark - a thrilling encounter!
Roland Bogush: Hawksbill sea turtle grazing on coral
Roland Bogush: Yellowfin Goatfish (Mulloidichthys vanicolensis)
Roland Bogush: Maldives sunrise
Roland Bogush: Bottlenose Dolphin - all at sea
Roland Bogush: Sergeant Major Fish (Abudefduf saxatilis)
Roland Bogush: Coconut weather station
Roland Bogush: Blacktip Reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)
Roland Bogush: Swimming with the reef fish
Roland Bogush: Whale Shark - side view
Roland Bogush: Sunrise under a waning moon
Roland Bogush: Whale Shark - from above
Roland Bogush: Whale shark - from the tail
Roland Bogush: Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Roland Bogush: Sea Cucumber and Giant Clam