Roland Bogush: Black-headed gull flying over Reykjavik's frozen lake.
Roland Bogush: It's a gull! Flying over frozen water in Reykjavik, Iceland
Roland Bogush: Redwing (Turdus iliacus)
Roland Bogush: Always watching - Kestrel hovering.
Roland Bogush: The one that got away!
Roland Bogush: In a tight squeeze. Perch literally having the life squeezed out of it - imagine how tightly that beak must be gripping the slippery fish.
Roland Bogush: Fish eye!
Roland Bogush: Intimate moment - Great Crested Grebes
Roland Bogush: Eye to eye with lunch
Roland Bogush: Reed Bunting (f) with a beakful of insects - at least one teneral damselfly.
Roland Bogush: Cormorant in flight - panned at 1/100 sec shutter speed
Roland Bogush: This fish has had his chips! A Common Tern with a freshly caught Tench.
Roland Bogush: Reed Bunting (m)
Roland Bogush: Black headed gull catching an insect from the water's surface [Explored]
Roland Bogush: Great Crested Grebe catching an insect
Roland Bogush: D'Oh! Miss a tern
Roland Bogush: Black headed gull catching insects
Roland Bogush: Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Roland Bogush: Life and death out on the lake
Roland Bogush: Flying fish!
Roland Bogush: Ripple reflections - Moorhen
Roland Bogush: Look Ma - I'm waterskiing! Greylag Goose
Roland Bogush: Don't look now, but I think we may have been infiltrated!
Roland Bogush: Coming at me! Greylag geese
Roland Bogush: Camera-shy duck
Roland Bogush: Coot reflecting
Roland Bogush: Flight of the Cormorant
Roland Bogush: Flight of the Mallard
Roland Bogush: Cormorant in a flap
Roland Bogush: Alongside. A pair of Greylag Geese in flight