bogtrykkeren: A modern cabinet from F.L. Bie 1946
bogtrykkeren: A modern composing room 1938
bogtrykkeren: An upper case from the new composing room at Egmont H. Petersen, 1914
bogtrykkeren: An upper case from the new composing room at Egmont H. Petersen, 1914
bogtrykkeren: New and old style cabinets from Grafisk Compagni 1944
bogtrykkeren: The new composing room at Egmont H. Petersens Kgl. Hofbogtrykkeri, København, 1914
bogtrykkeren: The old cabinet from Egmont H. Petersens Kgl. Hofbogtrykkeri
bogtrykkeren: The story of a type case
bogtrykkeren: The story of a type case
bogtrykkeren: An old style type cabinet manufactured by Grafisk Compagni in 1936
bogtrykkeren: Detail from an old style type cabinet manufactured by Grafisk Compagni in 1936
bogtrykkeren: Type cabinets – Sætterimøbler Harry Løhr Det danske Skriftstøberi, København – approx 1965.
bogtrykkeren: Type cabinets – Sætterimøbler Harry Løhr Det danske Skriftstøberi, København – approx 1965.
bogtrykkeren: Type cabinets – Sætterimøbler Harry Løhr Det danske Skriftstøberi, København – approx 1965.
bogtrykkeren: A titling case from the new composing room at Egmont H. Petersen, 1914
bogtrykkeren: A job case from the new composing room at Egmont H. Petersen
bogtrykkeren: A small job case from the new composing room at Egmont H. Petersen, 1914
bogtrykkeren: New style job case with a special layout
bogtrykkeren: New style steel cabinet for 18 full size cases - approx. 1950
bogtrykkeren: New style wood cabinet for 24 job cases - approx. 1950
bogtrykkeren: New style wood cabinet for titling cases - approx. 1950
bogtrykkeren: Old style cabinets 1938
bogtrykkeren: Old style Cabinet 1913
bogtrykkeren: Old style half size (job) case from 1936
bogtrykkeren: Old style full size type case for book work etc. - approx 1920
bogtrykkeren: Old style half size type case for small caps etc. from 1936
bogtrykkeren: New style full size type case - approx. 1920
bogtrykkeren: 2. generation new style job case - approx. 1965
bogtrykkeren: Erik Levison A/S Grafisk Fagforetning, København, on a wood cabinet for titling cases from the 50s
bogtrykkeren: Grafisk Compagni A/S, København S, on a steel cabinet from the 60s