Adam Bognar: Dave Scott ready to rock a Sunday adventure in the sub zero sun.
Adam Bognar: Ben arrives!
Adam Bognar: Andrew is not impressed by the busses or by Santa
Adam Bognar: Zooooooom
Adam Bognar: Air Time
Adam Bognar: Tristan and Bunjamin
Adam Bognar: Body Break with T and Benjamin Taft
Adam Bognar: Snack stop before the hike
Adam Bognar: Speedy Five with Lindsay
Adam Bognar: Tristan talks to Translink
Adam Bognar: Waiting for bus that would never come
Adam Bognar: Dave Scott is a Centurion. Tristan is a background subject.
Adam Bognar: Lindsay and Jimmothy have been in New York for quite a while now. Linds was stoked to hug some trees.
Adam Bognar: Getting up and down this wall was pure hilarity / a bad teen movie
Adam Bognar: Team Building Exercise
Adam Bognar: Climbing into the darkness. Adventure!
Adam Bognar: Slippppppiiiiiing
Adam Bognar: Climb!
Adam Bognar: Sunset Trail Blazing
Adam Bognar: Woodland Creatures
Adam Bognar: Bike rides and sunsets. Year round baby.
Adam Bognar: Deep Cove
Adam Bognar: I love sitting on cliffs.
Adam Bognar: Jimmithy Jimberman
Adam Bognar: Tristohn-eh
Adam Bognar: Duchess Returns
Adam Bognar: Deep Cove Sunset Commotion
Adam Bognar: So leisurely, so regal.
Adam Bognar: Happy Days
Adam Bognar: Tristan and Dave Scott