Adam Bognar: T Dot's Very Own Phallic Building
Adam Bognar: Outide Working is A-OK I Say
Adam Bognar: Salutations Mr. Simpson
Adam Bognar: Andrew Building Teh Internets
Adam Bognar: Working On Andrew's Roof/Balcony
Adam Bognar: Catching the End of Summer
Adam Bognar: Andrew's Rooftop Balcony Is Da Bomb Diggity
Adam Bognar: The landing gear of my plane that never took off... great.
Adam Bognar: The Glorious Start of a SHIT Trip
Adam Bognar: Sunset at SEA TAC
Adam Bognar: Yessssss
Adam Bognar: Man this eggplant is CHEEEESED.
Adam Bognar: I'm tired.
Adam Bognar: One of Andrew's DIY LED Lanterns
Adam Bognar: I love the shit out of Andrew's balcony.
Adam Bognar: Stormy Toronto Annex Skyline
Adam Bognar: Brainstorm Enablers
Adam Bognar: Sunset town 3000
Adam Bognar: More Annex Skyline
Adam Bognar: Sun to the Set
Adam Bognar: The black unmarked chopper that I see hovering everywhere... every day.
Adam Bognar: F Yes.
Adam Bognar: Andrew Digs In
Adam Bognar: Duck Egg Sandwich with Pesto Shrimp. HAH! I win.
Adam Bognar: Andrew's Livingroom (AKA my temporary bedroom)
Adam Bognar: Andrew's Livingroom (AKA my temporary bedroom)
Adam Bognar: Andrew's Livingroom (AKA my temporary bedroom)
Adam Bognar: The AWESOME ancient map of Scandinavia from our old place in Sweden, Scotch Shelf and Jesus Light
Adam Bognar: The AWESOME ancient map of Scandinavia from our old place in Sweden, Scotch Shelf and Jesus Light
Adam Bognar: Super Cool Living Room