Adam Bognar: FUCKIN DRAGON TAILS! Best roof ever!
Adam Bognar: Stairs inside of church...
Adam Bognar: At the top of some church
Adam Bognar: Climbing up the outside of a church...
Adam Bognar: Looking down
Adam Bognar: Stormy Copenhagen
Adam Bognar: Road down some peninsula
Adam Bognar: Me too! But I think only when I fall asleep drunk...
Adam Bognar: Stormy Skys - A theme of the trip
Adam Bognar: Lighthouse
Adam Bognar: Sweet little golf
Adam Bognar: Viking Burial Ground
Adam Bognar: Sheep.. or goats...
Adam Bognar: MORE SHEEP... or goats...
Adam Bognar: Cold ass beach
Adam Bognar: This is where me and my dad slept for the night. awesome
Adam Bognar: Me. Cold. Windy. Stoked.
Adam Bognar: Crazy Statues we stumbled across on the west coast of Denmark
Adam Bognar: My dad worshiping the big. white. men. hah.
Adam Bognar: My Bro was only 2 km away! I tried to find him... but alas no luck...
Adam Bognar: Yellow Flowers
Adam Bognar: Treeeeeees and wind
Adam Bognar: The road
Adam Bognar: Windmill and flowers.
Adam Bognar: Beautiful Fields
Adam Bognar: An Island of Green
Adam Bognar: Some little fishing town
Adam Bognar: I want this "car"
Adam Bognar: The Church we climbed.. and some sweet ships!
Adam Bognar: I love these boats