Bogdan !:
"There are places in the neighborhood no one ever thinks about. You see them every day and every day you choose to forget about them."
Bogdan !:
"As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe. Keep breathing. When there is a storm and you stand in front of a tree, if you look at its branches, you swear it will fall. But if you watch the trunk, you will see its stability. "
Bogdan !:
"There are moments of transition when you're wondering what is your place among everything you ever touched."
Bogdan !:
"It was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I wouldn't have missed a single minute of it. Not for the whole world."
Bogdan !:
"You know, when you're young, you have moments of such happiness, you think you're living in someplace magical, like Atlantis must have been. Then we grow up, and our hearts break in two."
Bogdan !:
"Did you know that the word 'trauma' comes from the Greek for 'wound'? Hm? And what is the German word for 'dream'? Traum. Ein Traum. Wounds can create monsters, and you, you are wounded."
Bogdan !:
"Whenever it wants, the past can come kicking the door down. And you never know where it's going to take you. All you can do is hope it's a place you want to go. "
Bogdan !:
"Words are all I have left to hang on to. Everything's all mixed up, fragmented, can't tell daydreams, nightdreams from reality anymore. "
Bogdan !:
" A turn here, a turn there, and it goes on for years. Becomes something else. I hope you got the strength to learn from that. "
Bogdan !:
"Are you paying attention? Good. If you're not listening carefully you will miss things. Important things."
Bogdan !:
"I have seen a great many things. I have attended all the world's worst disasters and I've seen the greatest wonders.But it's still like I said it was: no one lives forever.In her final thoughts, she saw the long list of lives that merged with hers."
Bogdan !:
"I come here and imagine that this is the spot where everything I've lost since my childhood has washed out.What I'm not sure about is if our lives have been so different from the lives of the people we save. We all complete."
Bogdan !:
"They owned the night. All that can be seen now are the calm festive lights and No.6. The time has passed."
Bogdan !:
"The 'following' is my explanation. Well, more of an account of what happened...I've been on my own for a while and getting kind of lonely, that's how I started shadowing, following different people and places, random ones."