Bogdan !: "That day will come. The sunset will not be limited anymore. Have faith."
Bogdan !: " For every shadow, no matter how deep, is threatened by morning light."
Bogdan !: "He's here and it's time. Do not disappoint me again."
Bogdan !: "You should know that I have always taken the path that is most right. The result is never in question for me. Just what path do you take to get there, and there is always one that is most right. And that is what this is. "
Bogdan !: "Daydream. I fell asleep beneath the flowers on a beautiful day."
Bogdan !: "This isn't going to have a happy ending. "
Bogdan !: "The loss. The disappointment in yourself. The anger that turns into disappointment. The despair."
Bogdan !: Spotlight
Bogdan !: "Why do we always expect home to stay the same? Nothing else does."
Bogdan !: " I'll blow a hole in your face then go inside and sleep like a baby."
Bogdan !: "Do not go gentle into that good night."
Bogdan !: "He said 'Wait!'. Now I wait."
Bogdan !: Late night stories
Bogdan !: The corner shop
Bogdan !: "Come back..."
Bogdan !: "You know nothing !"
Bogdan !: "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Bogdan !: The meeting
Bogdan !: Ride
Bogdan !: "Look at them...all those fancy dresses."
Bogdan !: "Interesting..."
Bogdan !: The Transporter
Bogdan !: "I'm telling you, it was him !"
Bogdan !: The "Solo" guy
Bogdan !: "I think someone's watching me..."
Bogdan !: "Wait..I know that car!"
Bogdan !: This is my 25th Hour
Bogdan !: She arrived earlier
Bogdan !: The Most Wanted
Bogdan !: " gotta be kiddin' me !"