Bogart Cat: shadow of a MB
Bogart Cat: mbshad
Bogart Cat: that spring from the gloom
Bogart Cat: spine
Bogart Cat: odsarse
Bogart Cat: it'scoming
Bogart Cat: canbw
Bogart Cat: canboat
Bogart Cat: bridge3
Bogart Cat: brid1
Bogart Cat: Golden Gate Bridge
Bogart Cat: bridge3jpg
Bogart Cat: bridge2
Bogart Cat: bridge
Bogart Cat: Aspiring
Bogart Cat: Duckhead
Bogart Cat: oil on water
Bogart Cat: greysnow
Bogart Cat: enter
Bogart Cat: lonely drifting trying to rise
Bogart Cat: and all their houses are haunted
Bogart Cat: Tied Up House
Bogart Cat: IMG_3879crop
Bogart Cat: Here's where the sun comes in
Bogart Cat: Auschwitz II-Birkenau
Bogart Cat: Auschwitz II-Birkenau