xb3: Phone subwoofers on the go
xb3: They have forks and knives too here!
xb3: Also long exposure time longer and later at night on an evening without cloud this time
xb3: On the same evening as the last picture the moon was clear and nice to see so I shot it with a long exposure and magnified 16x on my 4x optical zoom so it's a bit pixelated
xb3: Android Cafe (...would be a great name for a coffee shop I think :-)
xb3: Every city's dream; a monorail!
xb3: The Great Synagogue
xb3: Hyde park walk
xb3: Drooling boar bronze sculpture in front of a hospital on the hottest day ever
xb3: Freaky little awkward Trim; a statue of a cat on a library wall
xb3: Big cruise boat of crazy followed by giant Harbour Bridge of Sydney
xb3: The grandios Sydney Opera House and a tragic lamppost on the right
xb3: The Sydney Opera is made out of 1 000 000 small swedish ceramic self-healing tiles
xb3: Panoramic view of the city of Sydney from the Opera stairs with lots of people on the sidewalk
xb3: Image involving blurry signs and sharp background trees and landscape
xb3: Penrith train stop on the way from Glenbrooke to Sydney's Central station
xb3: Evening long exposure shot with blue skies due to the hue the water and the cloud make
xb3: 000-heroes ad on the flatscreen tv right next to the red lamp
xb3: Cheap TV for sale; free if you pick it up; lots of dollars if I have to bring it to you
xb3: Close up on the floral scenery in Katoomba
xb3: Three Sisters just hanging out under the scorching sun
xb3: Stairs that you see when you leave the Three Sisters close-up lookout
xb3: Stairs going down the tiny cliffside that opens in the valley from the Lady Darley lookout
xb3: Jameson valley exposed after that tiny corner cliff just there; don't fall plz
xb3: Jameson valley exposed after that tiny cliff just there; don't fall plz
xb3: Here be valley
xb3: Lift over the skies goes slowly above death
xb3: Are hiker girls expected to wear a bonnet? I'm not following here.
xb3: Katoomba falls enjoying the Sun and not suffering from melanomas