Boered: Cedar Waxwing
Boered: Cedar Waxwing
Boered: Cedar Waxwing
Boered: Cedar Waxwing
Boered: Cedar Waxwing
Boered: cardinal attack 1
Boered: cardinal attack 2
Boered: cardinal attack 3
Boered: Bluejay
Boered: bluebird
Boered: Bluebird
Boered: 2 waxwings
Boered: 2 bluebirds
Boered: Mrs. Bluebird
Boered: Mrs. Bluebird
Boered: Mr. Bluebird about to swallow a crabapple
Boered: Mr. Bluebird
Boered: IMG_3469
Boered: IMG_3452a
Boered: IMG_3407a
Boered: IMG_3406a
Boered: Turkey
Boered: Raven sihouette
Boered: Turkey
Boered: Loon
Boered: Gone
Boered: Moose
Boered: My first moose sighting
Boered: Doe a Deer
Boered: Goldfinch and Pine Siskins