BOEM-OPA: Sea fans, more specifically called gorgonians, are the branching corals that form finger or flat fan looking shapes
BOEM-OPA: Hard coral "Madrepora oculata" (pink and White Skeleton) and other species of corals from the Coral Garden site.
BOEM-OPA: Divers exploring growing coral and rig legs.
BOEM-OPA: Diver exploring coral growing on rig legs.
BOEM-OPA: Close up of the fire coral (Milepora alaicornis) in the East Flower Garden Bank.
BOEM-OPA: A-316-0110
BOEM-OPA: 52727
BOEM-OPA: mushroom coral
BOEM-OPA: orange cup coral
BOEM-OPA: Sea fan_Sarah Henkel
BOEM-OPA: NOAA Ocean Explorer: Lophelia II 2009: Deepwater Coral Expedition: Reefs, Rigs, and Wrecks: Deepwater community in Atwater Valley region
BOEM-OPA: NOAA Ocean Explorer: Lophelia II 2012
BOEM-OPA: stoplight parrotfish and corals at EFG, 400KB