boellstiftung: Production - Trade - Consumption
boellstiftung: Worldwide meat production
boellstiftung: Small animals in big groups – poultry take off
boellstiftung: A stable outlook – only if speculation is limited
boellstiftung: World meat prices compared
boellstiftung: World food prices compared
boellstiftung: The Top Ten of the international meat industry
boellstiftung: Slaughterhouses and market concentration in the USA
boellstiftung: Animals slaughtered worldwide
boellstiftung: Slowing down in China - Expansion mode in India
boellstiftung: Growth in the supermarket fridges
boellstiftung: Winners and losers from transatlantic trade talks
boellstiftung: Meat trade between the USA and the EU
boellstiftung: Feed trade between the USA and the EU
boellstiftung: Different regions, different levels of support
boellstiftung: Direct subsidies for animal products and feed
boellstiftung: Farmers’ income from public money
boellstiftung: Agriculture’s share of total environmental impact
boellstiftung: Fodder fields and the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico
boellstiftung: Nitrogen on land and in the aquatic system
boellstiftung: Two winners of globalization
boellstiftung: Animal genetics industry: the Big Seven global breeders
boellstiftung: Dominating the livestock industry
boellstiftung: How far we are – distribution of antibiotics and resistant bacteria in the USA
boellstiftung: European sales of antimicrobial agents for food-producing animals
boellstiftung: How far we are – antibiotic resistance by pathogen and type of meat in Germany
boellstiftung: Moisture extraction for food, fodder and fibre production
boellstiftung: waterWater used for meat production in G20 countries
boellstiftung: A thirsty industry
boellstiftung: Virtual water