BruceCouch: the magic place...
BruceCouch: Shepherd's Dell
BruceCouch: the magic place...
BruceCouch: the magic place...
BruceCouch: Oneonta Gorge
BruceCouch: Oneonta Gorge footbridge
BruceCouch: Shepherd's Dell
BruceCouch: Entrance of Oneonta Gorge
BruceCouch: oneonta creek
BruceCouch: the magic place...
BruceCouch: yeah, it's really this wet.
BruceCouch: yeah, it's really this wet.
BruceCouch: Historic Columbia River Highway
BruceCouch: Oregon tree
BruceCouch: cloud swallows mountain
BruceCouch: Gorge Trees
BruceCouch: a Train in the Gorge
BruceCouch: Crown Point
BruceCouch: Crown Point Vista House
BruceCouch: vistahouse view
BruceCouch: East veiw from Rooster Point
BruceCouch: Crown Point from Rooster Rock
BruceCouch: Washington Bank, Columbia River
BruceCouch: crownpoint
BruceCouch: Wahclellah Canyon
BruceCouch: Wahclella Falls creek
BruceCouch: Wahclella Falls canyon
BruceCouch: Wahclella Falls
BruceCouch: forest in Wahclella Falls canyon
BruceCouch: the view from Vista house