bocozoo: a girl and her fox (or) a fox and her girl
bocozoo: Bonifacio and snow
bocozoo: domestic bear
bocozoo: Bonifacio. Another try
bocozoo: three piglets
bocozoo: Crochet pig
bocozoo: Bunny
bocozoo: Bonifacijus kopineja/ Bonifacio climbs..
bocozoo: Amigurumi Bonifacio dreaming about holiday/Bonifacijus svajoja apie atostogas
bocozoo: Bonifacijaus atostogos
bocozoo: Crochet lion Bonifacio in the desert. Bonifacijaus atostogos dykumoje
bocozoo: snowy bear
bocozoo: Mekas Pekas spokso/ Makka Pakka staring
bocozoo: Paslapciu sodas/ In the night garden
bocozoo: Meko Peko ranka/ Hand of Makka Pakka
bocozoo: Mekas Pekas/ Makka Pakka
bocozoo: Crochet tiger toy
bocozoo: Crochet tiger
bocozoo: Elephant Ozy in the apple tree..
bocozoo: Crochet elephant Ozy
bocozoo: Ready to leave home
bocozoo: Funny white bunny
bocozoo: I am the bun
bocozoo: Who are you?
bocozoo: Žemyn galva
bocozoo: Upside down
bocozoo: Amigurumi pigs
bocozoo: Pretending to be a vietnamese pig
bocozoo: Wild strawberries