the bocket:
beware rattlesnakes!
the bocket:
the edge of the valley
the bocket:
this is eroding north every year...
the bocket:
the badlands
the bocket:
natural folds
the bocket:
the bocket:
colored mounds
the bocket:
road to hell, which actually seems very nice
the bocket:
so many western oil paintings
the bocket:
backlit mt. rushmore
the bocket:
washingtons profile
the bocket:
scenic viewpoint
the bocket:
driving to the top
the bocket:
where the buffalo (still) roam
the bocket:
hissing mountains
the bocket:
the grand canyon of the yellowstone
the bocket:
yellowstone (grand) canyon
the bocket:
more buffalo grasslands
the bocket:
thinking about it
the bocket:
yup, gonna walk across the road
the bocket:
this really sounds like a dragon...
the bocket:
dragons mouth spring
the bocket:
mud volcano
the bocket:
dragon in the background
the bocket:
old faithful is thinking about it
the bocket:
looking at the ground, waiting for old faithful
the bocket:
old faithful
the bocket:
where am i going...?
the bocket:
sapphire pool
the bocket:
the ground is alive