bochalla: Hey, @viewtiful_justin, guess how I've spent some of Christmas Eve day so far? 😄
bochalla: One of the first things I bought upon returning to Wisconsin after more than a year: some Spotted Cow. Here's looking at you Steve :) (Also, please note, with sadness, the green grass that serves as this photo's backdrop.)
bochalla: Mom (center), Martha (right) and Angie (left) hard at work on our "Crazy Santas" puzzle :)
bochalla: How I spent my Christmas vacation...
bochalla: Halfway done, I think (or hope)... 😉
bochalla: All done. On to the next one 😅😖😂
bochalla: David looks awfully happy to be pushing a ginormous shopping cart around that most Wisconsin of institutions, Woodman's, again, don't you think?
bochalla: Me and my big head are happy it's snowing right now 😊
bochalla: And here's a shot of the snow that isn't obscured by my big ol' grinning noggin...
bochalla: I love this ancient Christmastime photo of my family (I'm the baby). On a related note, I miss that old tree!
bochalla: Another old photo found on my parents' fridge. This one is from 1953 and shows my dad working at a drive-up hamburger joint :)
bochalla: Me, my mom and David just before our first attempt at shoveling the driveway. What you can't see here is the sleet pouring down behind us!
bochalla: Makin' marshmallows with my mom 😊
bochalla: My mom steals one of the hundreds (or so it seems) vanilla marshmallows we made yesterday...
bochalla: This beer's for you, @saeofdoom :) (In case you're curious, it's an IPA made in Madison, WI.)
bochalla: A trip to Madison isn't complete without at least one meal at Vientiane Palace :3
bochalla: Another day, another puzzle at the Ochalla homestead.
bochalla: See those bushes on the right side of the photo? What do you see when you focus on them? That's right--SNOW!! ❄️❄️❄️