Se Mo: Atomsphere was great - but we lost!
Se Mo: phillies07 008
Se Mo: phillies07 007
Se Mo: phillies07 006
Se Mo: phillies07 005
Se Mo: phillies07 004
Se Mo: The skydivers cam straight down and flared in the last second
Se Mo: That's one presentation of the flag!
Se Mo: The only thing they missed was the flyby
Se Mo: phillies07 014
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Se Mo: DSC02244.JPG
Se Mo: DSC02331.JPG
Se Mo: DSC02332.JPG
Se Mo: Nationals Game at RFK Stadium
Se Mo: Nationals Game at RFK Stadium
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs
Se Mo: NLDS Playoffs