bocaj: Svejk
bocaj: the walk to work
bocaj: obligatory random flower
bocaj: czech countryside
bocaj: hanging out on the balcony
bocaj: st. bart's
bocaj: walking to Americka
bocaj: NO PHOTOS
bocaj: some of the teflers
bocaj: Pigeons on the balcony!
bocaj: crazy crepe night
bocaj: crazy crepe eaters
bocaj: crazy crepe night sundown
bocaj: obligatory looking down at camera
bocaj: students
bocaj: iveta my student
bocaj: more students
bocaj: very tall students
bocaj: liam and students
bocaj: MAGNUM
bocaj: Caroline
bocaj: Wolverine, DANCE!
bocaj: 6.02 and me onstage singing
bocaj: studentsh
bocaj: national theater
bocaj: Prague from above
bocaj: I did not go in
bocaj: Thank you
bocaj: I want to live here