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Attenborough by bob watt
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bob watt
Attenborough Church steeple
bob watt
Attenborough Church robin
bob watt
Attenborough bridge shadows
bob watt
Attenborough bridge span
bob watt
Attenborough white tree tips
bob watt
Attenborough geese in flight
bob watt
Attenborough view over Trent to Radcliffe power station
bob watt
Attenborough bird table in nature reserve
bob watt
Attenborough willow trees over trent
bob watt
Attenborough trent overflow gate O
bob watt
Attenborough trent overflow gate bracket
bob watt
Attenborough signpost shadow
bob watt
Attenborough pair of geese
bob watt
Attenborough Church and tree trunk
bob watt
Attenborough catkins against blue sky
bob watt
Attenborough catkins
bob watt
Attenborough cafe
bob watt
Attenborough cafe 2
bob watt
A pair of geese by Attenborough Church
bob watt
Romano ice cream van
bob watt
goose head
bob watt
duck hand feeding
bob watt
cow parsley bee
bob watt
dog rose butterfly
bob watt
damsel fly