bob watt: Attenborough Church steeple
bob watt: Attenborough Church robin
bob watt: Attenborough bridge shadows
bob watt: Attenborough bridge span
bob watt: Attenborough white tree tips
bob watt: Attenborough geese in flight
bob watt: Attenborough view over Trent to Radcliffe power station
bob watt: Attenborough bird table in nature reserve
bob watt: Attenborough willow trees over trent
bob watt: Attenborough trent overflow gate O
bob watt: Attenborough trent overflow gate bracket
bob watt: Attenborough signpost shadow
bob watt: Attenborough pair of geese
bob watt: Attenborough Church and tree trunk
bob watt: Attenborough catkins against blue sky
bob watt: Attenborough catkins
bob watt: Attenborough cafe
bob watt: Attenborough cafe 2
bob watt: A pair of geese by Attenborough Church
bob watt: Romano ice cream van
bob watt: goose head
bob watt: duck hand feeding
bob watt: cow parsley bee
bob watt: dog rose butterfly
bob watt: damsel fly