bob the lomond: Bracket fungus on dead beech
bob the lomond: Baby Bracket fungus on dead beech
bob the lomond: Bracket fungus on dead beech
bob the lomond: Bracket fungus
bob the lomond: Sphagnum and oak leaves
bob the lomond: Dumpling, Aber Bog and big sky
bob the lomond: Bracket fungus on dead beech
bob the lomond: Mossy carpet
bob the lomond: Backlit birch
bob the lomond: Bracken, mixed broadleaves and sky
bob the lomond: Sunlit bracken
bob the lomond: Sunlit beech
bob the lomond: Frosty oak leaves
bob the lomond: Frosty woodland carpet
bob the lomond: Broadleaves
bob the lomond: Sunlit beech
bob the lomond: Ring wood beech
bob the lomond: Ring wood
bob the lomond: Aber bog and distant Dumpling