bob the lomond: Bruce Springsteen and Steve van Zandt, Copenhagen 2023
bob the lomond: Jean in a pile of chairs. Copenhagen Design Museum.
bob the lomond: Jean in a pile of chairs. Copenhagen Design Museum
bob the lomond: Ladybird on a giant blue chair
bob the lomond: Foreigners please don’t leave us alone with the Danes
bob the lomond: What’s Feeling by Cecile B Evans (at Copenhagen Design Museum)
bob the lomond: Cafe Malmo interior, København
bob the lomond: Cafe Malmo interior, København
bob the lomond: Hay house stairway, Copenhagen
bob the lomond: Fotonic Mossic IPA by Slowburn Brewing in Denmark. A great beer. Enjoyed at Rufino Osteria, Copenhagen
bob the lomond: Fotonic Mossic IPA by Slowburn Brewing in Denmark. A great beer. Enjoyed at Rufino Osteria, Copenhagen
bob the lomond: Jean with strange hat
bob the lomond: Me in Copenhagen listening to a jazz band playing in an open air bar across the canal
bob the lomond: Jean at Broens Gadekokken København
bob the lomond: Nyhavn, Kobnhavn,