bob the lomond:
66547 at Crawford on 17th May 2022 with 1443 Millerhill to Liverpool scrap cement wagons (2)
bob the lomond:
66547 at Crawford on 17th May 2022 with 1443 Millerhill to Liverpool scrap cement wagons (3)
bob the lomond:
66547 at Crawford on 17th May 2022 with 1443 Millerhill to Liverpool scrap cement wagons
bob the lomond:
66736 at Crawford on 17 May 2022 on 4M01 Mossend to Carlisle NY cement train
bob the lomond:
66736 at Crawford on 17 May 2022 with 4M01 Mossend to Carlisle NY cement train
bob the lomond:
66736 passng Crawford on 17 May 2022 with 4M01 Mossend to Carlisle NY cement train