bob the lomond: Buzzard on a tree in Scammadale
bob the lomond: Buzzard on a tree, Scammadale
bob the lomond: Common sandpiper, possibly a juvenile, in Scammadale
bob the lomond: Common sandpiper, possibly juvenile, in Scammadale
bob the lomond: Goden Eagle and hooded crow in Scammadale
bob the lomond: Goden Eagle in Scammadale
bob the lomond: Goden Eagle, Scammadale
bob the lomond: Green-veined white buttefly on cuckoo flower
bob the lomond: Unidentified small bird at Ellenabeich, Seil
bob the lomond: Pied wagtail in Scammadale
bob the lomond: Swallow on Seil
bob the lomond: Swallow, Seil