bobt54: February_5_2006
bobt54: Sara's favorite
bobt54: Meadowlark Gazebo
bobt54: Meadowlark panorama
bobt54: an eyeful of Eiffel
bobt54: Jefferson Memorial Abstract
bobt54: Black and White Wrinkles
bobt54: black and white racer
bobt54: February_2_2006
bobt54: February_8_2006
bobt54: February_13_2006
bobt54: February_16_2006
bobt54: February_17_2006
bobt54: February_15_2006
bobt54: February_20_2006
bobt54: February_22_2006
bobt54: Battleship
bobt54: Reflection on those who died for our freedom
bobt54: Monument to Jefferson
bobt54: April_17_2006