WWI Bob: Soldiers Loading on the USS Santa Paula, Bound For Home
WWI Bob: Ships in Dazzle Camoflage
WWI Bob: Real-Photo Postcard Showing the Crew of U. S. S. Princess Matoika
WWI Bob: Naval Reserves From Portsmouth (N.H.) Navy Yard Leaving Charleston (Mass.) Navy Yard on Scow Towed by Tug
WWI Bob: Submarines in the Foreground and Battleships and Torpedo Boats in the Background, San Diego Bay, California, U. S. A.
WWI Bob: USS Aquitania
WWI Bob: USS Calamares
WWI Bob: USS Finland
WWI Bob: USS Antigone
WWI Bob: USS Canonicus
WWI Bob: USS Dekalb
WWI Bob: USS Aeolus
WWI Bob: USS Aeolus
WWI Bob: USS Agamemnon
WWI Bob: USS Agamemnon
WWI Bob: USS America Sunk At Dock
WWI Bob: USS Antigone
WWI Bob: USS Aeolus
WWI Bob: USS Aeolus
WWI Bob: USS Agamemnon
WWI Bob: USS Alaskan
WWI Bob: USS Antigone
WWI Bob: USS Antigone
WWI Bob: USS Antigone in San Nazaire, France
WWI Bob: USS Artemis
WWI Bob: USS Calamares
WWI Bob: USS Canonicus
WWI Bob: USS Finland
WWI Bob: USS George Washington
WWI Bob: USS George Washington