bobspicturebox: life in the soup kicthen
bobspicturebox: One of the proudest men i have ever met
bobspicturebox: teaching us all the other side
bobspicturebox: A warm Place and a Cup Of Tea
bobspicturebox: if you could help could you give a lttle to help the mothers of this world of haves and have nots
bobspicturebox: Dispite there problems they can Still Smile
bobspicturebox: They even make it a social occasion
bobspicturebox: Cheers and Thanks
bobspicturebox: with warm food and a warm smile the Volunteers serve them there Dinner
bobspicturebox: Gratefully recieved
bobspicturebox: They will all be fed by the Volunteers and spiritual guidence given
bobspicturebox: I wonder where they will get there next meal
bobspicturebox: The Look of True Hunger can you help
bobspicturebox: The Young Also Find Warmth and Food
bobspicturebox: and now for pudding
bobspicturebox: And Another Tray Goes Round
bobspicturebox: Another happy Customer
bobspicturebox: the apple crumble looks so scrummy none for me though work to do
bobspicturebox: Serving Up another Crumble