bslote: The Gathering: Saturday Morning
bslote: Behind the Palace of Fine Arts
bslote: All sizes, makes and colors
bslote: 8:30, more vintage
bslote: Craig Howell, Left his horns at home
bslote: BMW Butt
bslote: Stout British Steel
bslote: About 80 vintage motorcycles
bslote: View
bslote: Like metal bones
bslote: Jesus and his red shroud
bslote: One of the Norton Commandos
bslote: Series III Lambretta
bslote: Lone Vespa
bslote: I like red
bslote: This Morini was the lone survivor
bslote: Monkey-Ward Benelli
bslote: Anxious participants
bslote: The group MC and leader
bslote: Red Bluff, California 109 degrees
bslote: U-Haul my ass
bslote: The pilots are missing
bslote: More red Bluff
bslote: Shasta
bslote: About 2000 ft above sea level
bslote: Laverda, my alternative
bslote: Some fun roads lead to this point.
bslote: The Mirage
bslote: Shasta mountain retreat
bslote: The view